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1# Copyright 2022-2023 Met Office and contributors. 


3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

5# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 

11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

13# limitations under the License. 


15"""A module containing different diagnostics for convection. 


17The diagnostics are calculated from output from the Unified Model, although 

18precalculated values in the required input form may also be used. 




22import copy 

23import logging 

24import warnings 


26import iris 

27import iris.cube 

28import numpy as np 



31def cape_ratio(SBCAPE, MUCAPE, MUCIN, MUCIN_thresh=-75.0): 

32 r"""Ratio of two fields, one filtered to allow physical values to be output. 


34 Parameters 

35 ---------- 

36 SBCAPE: Cube 

37 Surface-based convective available potential energy as calculated by the 

38 model. If using the UM please use STASH ``m01s20i114`` 

39 MUCAPE: Cube 

40 Most-unstable convective available potential energy as calculated by the 

41 model. If using the UM please use STASH ``m01s20i112`` 

42 MUCIN: Cube 

43 Most-unstable convective inhibition associated with the most-unstable 

44 ascent as calculated by the model. If using the UM please use STASH 

45 ``m01s20i113`` 

46 MUCIN_thresh: float, optional, default is -75. J/kg. 

47 Threshold to filter the MUCAPE by values are realistically realisable. 


49 Returns 

50 ------- 

51 Cube 


53 Notes 

54 ----- 

55 This diagnostic is based on Clark et al. (2012) [Clarketal2012]_. It is 

56 based around the idea that for elevated convection the convective 

57 instability is not based at the surface. This utilises two flavours of CAPE: 

58 the surface-based CAPE (SBCAPE) and the most-unstable CAPE (MUCAPE). The 

59 MUCAPE is filtered by the MUCIN associated with that parcel's ascent to 

60 ensure that any CAPE can at least theoretically be released. The default 

61 value is set at -75 J/kg but it can be changes depending on location and 

62 users requirements. 


64 .. math:: 1 - (\frac{SBCAPE}{MUCAPE}) 


66 The ratio is defined in this way such that if SBCAPE=MUCAPE the ratio will 

67 equal 1. If the ratio was reversed when MUCAPE exists and SBCAPE is zero the 

68 ratio would be undefined. 


70 The diagnostic varies smoothly between zero and unity. A value of 0 implies 

71 an environment is suitable for surface-based convection. A value of 1 

72 implies an environment is suitable for elevated convection. Values between 

73 imply transition convection with values closer to one imply elevated 

74 convection is more likely and values closer to zero implying that 

75 surface-based convection is more likely. 


77 Further details about this diagnostic for elevated convection identification 

78 can be found in Flack et al. (2023) [FlackCAPE2023]_. 


80 Expected applicability ranges: Convective-scale models will be noisier than 

81 parametrized models as they are more responsive to the convection, and thus 

82 it may be more sensible to view as a larger spatial average rather than on 

83 the native resolution. 


85 Interpretation notes: UM stash for CAPE and CIN are calculated at the end of 

86 the timestep. Therefore this diagnostic is applicable after precipitation 

87 has occurred, not before as is the usual interpretation of CAPE related 

88 diagnostics. 


90 References 

91 ---------- 

92 .. [Clarketal2012] Clark, A. J., Kain J. S., Marsh P. T., Correia J., Xue 

93 M., and Kong F., (2012) "Forecasting tornado pathlengths using a 

94 three-dimensional object identification algorithm applied to 

95 convection-allowing forecasts." Weather and Forecasting, vol. 27, 

96 1090–1113, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-11-00147.1 

97 .. [FlackCAPE2023] Flack, D.L.A., Lehnert, M., Lean, H.W., and Willington, 

98 S. (2023) "Characteristics of Diagnostics for Identifying Elevated 

99 Convection over the British Isles in a Convection-Allowing Model." 

100 Weather and Forecasting, vol. 30, 1079-1094, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-22-0219.1 


102 Examples 

103 -------- 

104 >>> CAPE_ratios=convection.cape_ratio( 


106 >>> iplt.pcolormesh(CAPE_ratios[0,:,:], 

107 >>> plt.gca().coastlines('10m') 

108 >>> plt.colorbar() 

109 >>> plt.clim(0,1) 

110 >>> 


112 >>> CAPE_ratios=convection.cape_ratio( 


114 >>> iplt.pcolormesh(CAPE_ratios[0,:,:], 

115 >>> plt.gca().coastlines('10m') 

116 >>> plt.clim(0,1) 

117 >>> plt.colorbar() 

118 >>> 

119 """ 

120 # Load in the data into the new arrays. 

121 MUCAPE_data = copy.deepcopy( 

122 if isinstance(MUCAPE_data, 122 ↛ 125line 122 didn't jump to line 125 because the condition on line 122 was always true

123 MUCAPE_data = MUCAPE_data.filled(np.nan) 

124 # Remove all MUCAPE below MUCIN threshold. 

125 MUCAPE_data[ <= MUCIN_thresh] = np.nan 

126 with warnings.catch_warnings(): 

127 # Ignore possible divide by zero warnings, as they are replaced by NaNs. 

128 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) 

129 # Now calculate the main diagnostic. 

130 EC_Flagb = 1 - ( / MUCAPE_data) 

131 if isinstance(EC_Flagb, 131 ↛ 126line 131 didn't jump to line 126

132 EC_Flagb = EC_Flagb.filled(np.nan) 

133 # Filter to reduce NaN values and -inf values for plotting ease. 

134 # There are multiple types of NaN values so need to convert them all to same type. 

135 EC_Flagb[np.isnan(EC_Flagb)] = np.nan 

136 EC_Flagb[np.isinf(EC_Flagb)] = np.nan 

137 # Take the coordinates from an existing cube and replace the data. 

138 cape_ratio_cube = SBCAPE.copy() 

139 = EC_Flagb 

140 # Rename and remove STASH code. 

141 cape_ratio_cube.var_name = "cape_ratio" 

142 cape_ratio_cube.attributes.pop("STASH", None) 

143 return cape_ratio_cube 



146def inflow_layer_properties(EIB, BLheight, Orography): 

147 r"""Filter to create a binary mask identifying elevated convection. 


149 Parameters 

150 ---------- 

151 EIB: Cube 

152 Effective inflow layer base (precalculated or as identified by the 

153 model). If using the UM please use STASH ``m01s20i119``. 

154 BLheight: Cube 

155 Boundary layer height (precalculated or as identified by the model). If 

156 using the UM please use STASH ``m01s00i025``. 

157 Orography: Cube 

158 Model or actual orography, expected to be 2 dimensional. If 3 or 4 

159 dimensional cube given converts to 2 dimensions assuming static 

160 orography field in ensemble realization and time. If using the UM please 

161 use STASH ``m01s00i033``. 


163 Returns 

164 ------- 

165 Cube 


167 Notes 

168 ----- 

169 This diagnostic is based on the concept of an effective inflow layer. This 

170 concept was first introduced by Thompson et al. (2007) [Thompsonetal2007]_. 

171 The inflow layer defined the region of air that is most likely to be 

172 ingested into the convective event. It is defined by thresholding the CAPE 

173 and CIN values: CAPE > 100 J/kg and \|CIN\| < 250 J/kg. 


175 To turn this into a diagnostic for elevated convection the inflow layer base 

176 is filtered against the boundary layer height. The model orography is added 

177 to the boundary layer height to ensure reference height consistency as the 

178 BL height is defined above ground level and the inflow layer base is defined 

179 above sea level in the model output. 


181 .. math:: EIB > BLheight + Orography 


183 This is a binary diagnostic. It has a value of 0 to imply the environment is 

184 suitable for surface-based convection. It has a value of 1 to indicate the 

185 environment is suitable to produce elevated convection. 


187 Further details about this diagnostic for elevated convection identification 

188 can be found in Flack et al. (2023) [Flackinf2023]_. 


190 Expected applicability ranges: Convective-scale models will be noisier than 

191 parametrized models as they are more responsive to the convection, and thus 

192 it may be more sensible to view as a larger spatial average rather than at 

193 native resolution. 


195 Interpretation notes: The effective inflow layer base diagnostic from UM 

196 STASH is dependent upon the UM CAPE and CIN diagnostics. These diagnostics 

197 are calculated at the end of the timestep. Therefore this diagnostic is 

198 applicable after precipitation has occurred, not before as is the usual 

199 interpretation of CAPE related diagnostics. 


201 You might encounter warnings with the following text ``Orography assumed not 

202 to vary with time or ensemble member.`` or ``Orography assumed not to vary 

203 with time and ensemble member.`` these warnings are expected when the 

204 orography files are not 2-dimensional, and do not cause any problems unless 

205 ordering is not as expected. 


207 References 

208 ---------- 

209 .. [Thompsonetal2007] Thompson, R. L. Mead, C. M., and Edwards, R., (2007) 

210 "Effective Storm-Relative Helicity and Bulk Shear in Supercell 

211 Thunderstorm Environments." Weather and Forecasting, vol. 22, 102-115, 

212 doi: 10.1175/WAF969.1 

213 .. [Flackinf2023] Flack, D.L.A., Lehnert, M., Lean, H.W., and Willington, S. 

214 (2023) "Characteristics of Diagnostics for Identifying Elevated 

215 Convection over the British Isles in a Convection-Allowing Model." 

216 Weather and Forecasting, vol. 30, 1079-1094, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-22-0219.1 


218 Examples 

219 -------- 

220 >>> Inflow_properties=convection.inflow_layer_properties(EIB,BLheight,Orography) 

221 >>> iplt.pcolormesh(Inflow_properties[0,:,:], 

222 >>> plt.gca().coastlines('10m') 

223 >>> plt.colorbar() 

224 >>> plt.clim(0,1) 

225 >>> 


227 """ 

228 # Setup new array for output of the diagnostic. 

229 EC_Flagd = np.zeros(EIB.shape) 

230 # Check dimensions for Orography cube and replace with 2D array if not 2D. 

231 if Orography.ndim == 3: 231 ↛ 232line 231 didn't jump to line 232 because the condition on line 231 was never true

232 try: 

233 Orography = Orography.slices_over("realization").next() 

234 except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError: 

235 Orography = Orography.slices_over("time").next() 

236 logging.warning("Orography assumed not to vary with time or ensemble member") 

237 elif Orography.ndim == 4: 237 ↛ 238line 237 didn't jump to line 238 because the condition on line 237 was never true

238 Orography = Orography.slices_over(("time", "realization")).next() 

239 logging.warning("Orography assumed not to vary with time or ensemble member. ") 

240 # Masked arrays are not respected, so convert masked values into NaNs. 

241 if isinstance(, 241 ↛ 245line 241 didn't jump to line 245 because the condition on line 241 was always true

242 = 

243 # Change points where Effective inflow layer base is larger than boundary 

244 # layer height to 1 implying elevated convection. 

245 EC_Flagd[ > ( +] = 1.0 

246 # Take the coordinates from an existing cube and replace the data. 

247 inflow_properties_cube = EIB.copy() 

248 = EC_Flagd 

249 # Rename and remove STASH code. 

250 inflow_properties_cube.var_name = "inflow_layer_properties" 

251 inflow_properties_cube.attributes.pop("STASH", None) 

252 return inflow_properties_cube